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Poem of a Ledger


A ledger in a blockchain works 24x7 to maintain the records of millions of transactions. They are in way less than an army of data savers. A tech homage to the designers for their incredible work.

10th February


Sometimes, the characters are too young to express their feelings. But that doesn't mean their feelings get faded by the boundaries.

Beautiful Wish of A Ghost


Feel the heart of a lovelorn ghost who's want for pure love wasn't listened while he was alive. Ainsi-bas-la-vida (because such low is life).

Ruler of the World Ocean


Never torture a soul so much that it breaks all levels of humbleness and turns into a devil's incarnate. Find out the harsh backgrounds, struggles and victories of the world's cruelest warrior.

Wounds of Honour


A warrior's valour is displayed by his wounds. But the when the entire life is wounded with insults and mistreatments, then death becomes a boon. Read to know the sacrifice of the greatest warrior in history.

The Last Lap


Sometimes life is so unfair with the best people that Karma is questionable. But a true warrior never fears the result and keeps fighting and embraced death.

The Girl Who Shared Her Umbrella


Find out this amazing event when a simple guy falls for a simple girl and weaves dreams of being together. But all these started with the sharing of an umbrella.

The Fairy I Knew


Flattering praises to flirt with any girl whom you admire in your life. Just try to send this dedicating and there is a high chance she would fall for you.